About Village Neighbors
The Mission
Village Neighbors is the first village on the Eastern Shore that enables older adults to remain in charge of their lives, independent in their homes of choice and involved in their communities as they age. The "village model" is especially important in ensuring seniors have access to vibrant communities that enhance and expand the ways we age well.
Our vision is to connect, inspire and support the 60+ generation to age well in an inter-connected community on Chincoteague. We accomplish this through a social network of members and volunteers, community organizations, businesses.
Why a Village?
- Maintaining independence in your own home contributes to better outcomes in areas of cognition, mood, and activities of daily living.
- Volunteering can reduce mortality; increase physical function, muscular strength; reduce symptoms of depression and pain; and increase life expectancy
- Participating in a Village helps combat loneliness
An island-wide survey went out in November 2021 to assess the needs of residents 60 years old or better and determine if there were enough potential volunteers to support Village Neighbors. Responses were overwhelmingly positive.
“Each Village is unique,” explains Village Neighbors Founder, Lisa Cannon. “Although it is a national movement, each community decides what services are most needed and what their volunteers can provide.” She notes, “Villages are meant to add to and enhance what is available locally for seniors, not compete with or replace existing services.”
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Village Neighbors is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2022 and incorporated in 2024.
757-349-9969 · coordinator@village-neighbors.org
6240 Mumford Street · Chincoteague Island, VA · 23336